Milestones in microbiology 1546 to 1940


Thomas Brock ん w 沢勧夜プ Koch E ん浦 c ん alcoholic fermentation Robert Koch 沢勧ー Koch 沢勧催ー Koch 沢励ー Koch ん紐 w ん f fer T ん eo 面ル f view f guidelines f hygiene new foreword new method New Guinea C ONTENTS c ル new ASM Press ー - DC21 Microbi010gy Updated t0 alcoholic fermentauon Observations Microbiology f Congress Cataloging SPONTANEOUS GENERATION life of Louis Pasteur miasmat1C-contagious diseases れ d Edited わァ experiments development microscope SPONTANEOUS GENERATION substances conditions long time large number phenomenon GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY ln addition observations appearance properties discovery CHEMOTHERAPY putrefaction carbon dioxide substance temperature organisms suffcient treatment compounds pure cultures following procedure conclusion isolation knowledge production beer yeast importance new cultures Crvstallization mav living agent な Pa 立ビ肝 small inoculation ple change Joseph process searches Of Pasteur free spore masses additional principle g of Sc わ vith contrnue power freezing point Of water wards hospital gan dividing cells facts mineral ew e 舫 organized beings よ一き日 Gardener t0 sulphate diff good instance hospital Motions organisms lll bodv sugar solution


PREFACE HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION PART I C ONTENTS XI 1 SPONTANEOUS GENERATION AND FERMENTATION 7677 T ん eo 面ル & ん w 〃れれ 7 め 7 7 799 石なわ襯 N 召ん 4 襯 ノ 7 イ 8 A 0 〃〃ん紐 w ん 0 7684 A 厩 0 v 〃力化れ zv 召〃ん 0 Observations concerning little am- mals observed in rain-, well-, sea- snow-water. Observations on the generatlon, imals in the scurf Of the teeth. Microscopical observatlons an- 8 9 composifion and decomposition Of animal and vegetable substances. Tracts on the nature of animals and vegetables; observations and experi- ments upon the animalcula of infusions. Preliminary report on experiments concerning alcoholic fermentauon and putrefaction. 16

VI CONTENTS SPONTANEOUS GENERATION AND FERMENTATION ( CO れ〃れ召イ ) ノ 838 C ん / Ca 工襯 0 れ 7839 力房 g ノ 7 ん 0 れな 0 豆召 7860 カ 0 な 05 7 8 引 ん 0 な 4 立召 7867 ん 0 れな Pa 立 78 引 ん 0 な 4 豆召れ r ノ 8 % 市〃〃〃イ朝んれ 7877 7878 ノ孕んん 7897 E イ矼イ召 c んれ 、 4en101r on alcoholic fermentation. 20 Concerning the phenomena 0f fer- mentation, putrefaction and decay, and their causes. Report on the lactic acid fermenta- 24 t10n. Memoir on the alcoholic fermenta- t10n. 27 31 Animal infusoria living in the ab- sence of free oxygen, and the fer- mentations they bring about. lnfluence of oxygen on the devel- opment Of yeast and on the alco- hOlic fermentation. On the organized bodies which exist in the atmosphere; examinauon Of the doctrine Of spontaneous gener- auon. 39 43 Studies on the bi010 of the bacilli. 49 Further researches on the deport- ment and vital persistence Of putre- factive and infective organisms from a physical point 0f view. On the lactic fermentauon and its 56 bearings on pathology. Alcoholic fermentation without yeast cells. 58 65

CO NTENTS PART Ⅱ THE GERM THEORY OF DISEASE Ⅵ 1 7546 G 0 襯 0 ? c ル 7840 7 新 0 刀 & 襯襯ど召な 7867 7867 洫孕んんな ノ 8 % 沢勧ー Koch 7880 沢勧催ー Koch ノ 88 ノ 沢勧夜プ Koch ノ 882 沢励ー Koch 7884 沢勧夜プ Koch 7882 君 4 E ん浦 c ん Contagion, contagious diseases and fever (childbed fever). Lecture on the genesis of puerperal and miasmat1C-contagious diseases. Concerning miasmat1C, contagious, their treatment. 69 76 80 On a new method of treating C01 - pound fracture, abscess, and SO forth; with observaüons on the conditions Of suppuration. On the antiseptic prmciple in the pracuce 0f surgery. The e ⅱ 010 of anthrax, based on the life history of 召“〃 / 〃ん rac な . 83 86 89 lnvestigations intO the etiology of traumat1C infective diseases. 96 Methods for the study of pathogenic orgamsms. 101 The etiology of tuberculosis. 118 116 tubercle 109 bacillus. A method for staining the postulates. ] The e ⅱ司 0 of tuberculosis. [Koch's

V111 7 798 E イ w 〃アれな 7880 ん 0 れな 4 立召 r 7887 ん 0 れな〃豆れ r 7884 ノ 890 E 襯〃れお厖〃 g 0 〃イ S ん勧れ川 K 〃襯 0 7890 E 襯〃 0 れ召厖〃 g 78 の ノ召 0 PART IV VIROLOGY 7898 君 0 “ん 7899 M. Ⅳ召可夜加 of fowl cholera. On a vaccine for fowl cholera and an th rax. CONTENTS An inquiry intO the causes and ef- fectS Of the variolae vaccinae, a dis- ease discovered in S01 e Of the western countries Of England, partic- ularly Gloucestershire, and known by the name of The Cow Pox. The attenuation Of the causal agent 121 IMMUNOLOGY PART III 126 131 A disease of Daphnia caused by a yeast. A contribution tO the theory Of phagocytes as agents for attack on disease-causing organisms. The mechanism Of immunity in an- imals tO diphtheria and tetanus. 132 138 Studies on the mechanism Of im- munity tO diphtheria in animals. Leucocytes and the active property Of serum from vaccinated animals. 141 144 Report Of the comnussion for research on disease. A Co れれ襯 cause Of the bacco leaves. the foot-and-mouth ′れ襯、ガ乞イれ襯 as the mosaic disease Of tO- 149 153

CONTENTS VIROLOGY ( Co 厩か怩の IX An invisible microbe that is antago- nistic t0 the dysentery bacillus. 157 lsolation of a crystalline protein pos- sessing the properues Of tobacco- mosalC V1rt1S. The chemical foundations of the study of disinfection and of the ac- t10n Of poisons. Modern chemotherapy. 160 163 176 On the antibacterial action of cul- tures Of a Penicillium, with special reference tO their use in the isola- tion Of お . わガれ夜〃 e. A contribution to the chemotherapy Of bacterial infections. 185 195 The relation 0f para-aminobenzoic acid tO the mechanism of the actlon of sulphanilamide. 199 PART 、 の 0 〃〃の . ー物 0 ホ 7940 G 催ん 4 の 0 襯〃 g ん 793 う ハな x 〃れイ月召襯か g ノ 929 君〃ん浦 7 908 召 . Krönig 4 〃イ T ん . 〃 ノ 897 CHEMOTHERAPY PART V 7 のう イ召ル ノ 9 ノ 7 GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY 78 乃 冴市れ〃れイ Co ん〃 7884 C ん厖立〃 G 〃襯 Studies on bactena. 210 The differential staining of Schizo- mycetes in tlSSue sections in dried preparations. 215

CONTENTS GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY ( CO れ〃れ召イ ) 7887 7888 7889 かⅣおれ 7889 7890 7 907 イ〃かⅣお召り 7 れ ノ 907 7907 E. ー竹 / 市 7 908 7924 A minor modification of the plating technique of Koch. The root-nodule bacteria. 218 220 Auxanography, a method useful in microbiological research, involving diffusion in gelatin. PhysioIogical studies on the sulfur 225 bacterla. On the nitrifying organisms. Enrichment culture studies with urea bacteria. 227 231 234 ()n oligonitrophilic nucroorganisms. 237 A new substance necessary for the growth 0f yeast. 240 Fixation Of free atmospheric nitro- gen by AZO わ催 in pure culture. Unity and diversity ⅲ the metabo- liSI れ Of micro-organisms. 246 247 263

Abscess, 83 ー 89 Acid-fast staining, 1 18 ー 120 Agar diffusion techniques, 225 ー 227 Airborne transmission, 83 ー 89 Alcoholic fermentation, 16 ー 27 , 31 ー 38 , 41 ー 43 , 240 ー 245 growth factors for, 240 ー 245 Atoxyl, 176 ー 185 Arsanil, 176 ー 185 Antitoxin, 141 ー 144 Antiseptic principle, 86 ー 89 Antimetabolites, 199 ー 209 Antib0dy, 138 ー 140 potency 0f, 185 ー 194 penicillin, 185 ー 194 assay 0f, 225 ー 227 Antibiotic s vaccine for, 1 引ー 132 etiology of, 89 ー 95 Anthrax Animal model, of tuberculosis, 109 ー 115 in yeast, 20 ー 24 , 41 ー 43 Anaerobic growth, 39 ー 41 in yeast extract, 65 ー 68 quantitative analysis 0f, 引ー 38 246 ー 247 A こ 0 わ c r , nitrogen fixation by, 237 ー 239 , Auxanography, 225 ー 227 Attenuation, of agent of fowl cholera, 126 ー 1 引 お“襯 anthracis, life history of, 89 ー 95 urea, 234 ー 237 on teeth, 9 ー 10 taxonomy of, 210 ー 215 sulfur, 227 ー 2 引 disinfection, 3 ー 176 sensitivity versus susceptibility tO root-nodule, 220 ー 224 oligonitrophilic, 237 ー 239 nitrifying, 2 引ー 233 microscopical observations Of, 8 ー 10 lactic acid fermentation by, 27 ー 30 Gram staining, 215 ー 218 101 etiology Of traumatic infective diseases, 96 ー colonies on solid media, 101 ー 108 , 218 ー 219 chemosynthetic, 227 ー 233 in air, 13 ー 16 , 83 ー 89 B acterl a お c 襯Ⅷわ行 / な , spore formation in, 49 ー 56 lndex variations in heat sensitivity, 13 ー 16 Bacteriophage, discovery of, 157 ー 159 Beijerinck, Martinus W. auxanography, 225 ー 227 enrichment culture of urea bacteria, 234 ー 237 nitrogen fixation by A こ 0 わ c r in pure culture, 246 ー 247 oligonitrophilic microorganisms, 237 ー 239 r00 ト nodu 厄 bacteria, 220 ー 224 tobacco mosaic virus, 153 ー 157 Bordet, Jules, 144 ー 148 Buchner, Eduard, 65 ー 68 Butyric acid fermentation, 39 ー 41 Cagniard-Latour, Charles, 20 ー 24 Carbolic acid, 83 ー 89 Cell-free system, 65 ー 68 Chemosynthetic bacteria, 227 ー 233 Chemotherapy, 163 ー 209 modern, 176 ー 5 penicillin, 185 ー 194 sulfa drugs, 196 ー 209 Childbed fever, 80-82 ChoIera, fowl, 、“ Fowl cholera Cohn, Ferdinand bacterialtaxonomy, 210 ー 215 biology 0f the bacilli, 49 ー 56 C010ny, bacterial, 101 ー 108 , 218 ー 219 Competitive inhibition, 199 ー 209 Complement, discovery of, 144 ー 148 Compound fracture, treatment of, 83 ー 85 Contagion, 69 ー 79 putrefaction versus, 69 ー 75 Contagious disease, 69 ー 79 Contagium ⅵⅧ襯アⅲ d Ⅲ〃 , 153 ー 157 Cowpox virus, 121 ー 125 Crystallization, Of tobacco mosaic virus, 160 ー 162 Culture medium defined, 引ー 38 solid, 101 ー 108 Petri dish, 218 ー 219 D 叩 / Ⅲ , disease caused by yeast, 132 ー 138 Defined medium, 31 ー 38 D 厄ⅵん加 , 227 ー 2 引 d'Herelle, F. , 157 ー 159 Differential staining, 215 ー 218 Diffusion, in gelatin, 225 ー 227 Dinitrogen fixation, 、肥ど Nitrogen fixation 263

264 Diphtheria, immunity to, 138 ー 144 Diphtheria antitoxin, 141 ー 144 Diphtheria toxin, 141 ー 144 Disinfection chemical foundations of, 163 ー 176 killing curves, 163 ー 176 Domagk, Gerhard, 195 ー 199 Ehrlich, Paul chemotherapy, 176 ー 185 staining 0f tubercle bacillus, 118 ー 120 Enri chment culture oligonitrophilic bacteria, 237 ー 239 urea bacteria, 234 ー 237 Enzymes, fermentation in yeast extract, 65 ー 68 Expenmental animal, tuberculosis in guinea pigs, 109 ーⅡ 5 Fermentation, 8 ー 68 alcoholic, 16 ー 24 , 引ー 38 , 41 ー 43 , 240 ー 245 ⅲ yeast extract, 65 ー 68 butyric acid, 39 ー 41 lactic acid, 27 ー 30 , 39 ー 41 , 58 ー 65 Filterable virus, 149 ー 162 Fleming, Alexander, 185 ー 194 Foot-and-mouth disease virus, 149 ー 153 Fowl cholera attenuation 0f causal agent, 126 ー 1 引 Gram stain, 215 ー 218 Gram, Christian, 215 ー 218 Glycolysis, 41 ー 43 Germ theory of di sease, 69 ー 120 for solidification of media, 101 ー 108 diffusion in, 225 ー 227 Gelatin Frosch, P. , 凵 9 ー 153 Fracture, compound, treatment Of, Fractional sterilization, 56 ー 58 Fracastoro, Girolamo, 69 ー 75 vaccine for, 1 引ー 132 83 ー 85 lnfectious disease, 69 ー 120 lmmunology, 121 ー 148 to tetanus, 138 ー 140 passive, 138 ー 144 t0 diphtheria, 138 ー 144 lmmunity lmmune serum, 138 ー 140 Henle, J. , 76 ー 79 tyndallization, 56 ー 58 sensitivity 0f bacteria to, 13 ー 16 Heat sterilization, 43 ー 56 Heat resistance, of bacterial spores, 49 ー 58 Handwashing, 80 ー 82 〃〃叩 / / ″群にに , isolation 0f, 185 ー 194 Guinea pig, tuberculosis in, 109 ー 115 Growth factors, for yeast, 240 ー 245 lnhibition, competitive, 199 ー 209 lsolation of pure cultures, 101 ー 108 Jenner, Edward, 121 ー 125 Kitasato, Shibasaburo, 138 ー 140 Kluyver, Albert J. , 247 ー 261 Koch, Robert etiology 0f anthrax, 89 ー 95 etiology Of traumatic infective diseases, 96 ー 101 etiology 0f tuberculosis, 109 ーⅡ 8 Koch's postulates, 116 ーⅡ 8 pure cultures on solid media, 101 ー 108 Koch's postulates, 116 ーⅡ 8 Krönig, B. , 163 ー 176 Lactic acid fermentation, 27 ー 30 , 39 ー 41 , 58 ー 65 Leeuwenhoek, Antony van, microscopical observations bacteria in rain-, well-, sea- and snow-water, bacteria on teeth, 9 ー 10 Leucocytes, 144 ー 148 Liebig, Justis, 24 ー 27 Lister, Joseph antiseptic principle, 86 ー 89 production of pure culture, 58 ー 65 INDEX anaerobic fermentation, 39 ー 41 alcoholic fermentation, 引ー 38 Pasteur, LouiS Passive immunity, 138 ー 144 Para-aminobenzoic acid, 199 ー 209 Oxygen, requirement for putrefaction, 16 ー 19 ()ligonitrophilic bacteria, 237 ー 239 by root-nodule bacteria, 220 ー 224 by free-living bacteria, 237 ー 239 , 246 ー 247 Nitrogen fixation Nitrifying bacteria, 2 引ー 233 Needham, Turbevill, Ⅱー 12 Most probable number method, 58 ー 65 Microscope, Leeuwenhoek's observations, 8 ー 10 metabolism, 247 ー 261 Microorganisms, unity and diversity in Microbi010gy, general, 210 ー 261 Miasmatic-contagious disease, 76 ー 79 Miasmatic disease, 76 ー 79 Metschnikoff, Elias, 132 ー 138 microorganisms, 247 ー 261 Metabolism, unity and diversity in Metab01ic poison, 16 ー 19 Loeffler, Friedrich, 149 ー 153 so forth, 83 ー 85 treatment Of compound fracture, abscess, and

INDEX anaerobic growth and alcoholic fermentation, 41 ー 43 attenuation 0f agent 0f fowl cholera, 126 ー 131 lactic acid fermentation, 27 ー 30 on spontaneous generation, 43 ー 48 vaccine for fowl cholera and anthrax, 1 引ー Salvarsan, 176 ー 185 Root-nodule bacteria, 220 ー 224 oxygen requirement for, 16 ー 19 contagion versus, 69 ー 75 Putrefaction, 16 ー 19 , 24 ー 27 production of, 58 ー 65 nitrogen fixation by A こ 0 け夜・ , 246 ー 247 isolation on solid media, 101 ー 108 agents 0f infective disease, 96 ー 101 Pure culture Puerperal fever, 80 ー 82 Protein, tobacco mosaic virus, 160 ー 162 Prontosil, 195 ー 199 metabolic, 16 ー 19 chemical foundations of, 163 ー 176 Poisons Plating technique, 218 ー 219 Phagocytosis, 132 ー 138 Petri dish, 218 ー 219 Petri, R. J. , 218 ー 219 Person-to-person transmission, 80 ー 82 ルⅲ c 〃〃Ⅲ〃 , antibiotic production by, 185 一円 4 Penicillin, development of, 185 ー 194 Paul, Th. , 163 ー 176 Pasteur flask, 43 ー 48 Pasteur effect, 41 ー 43 132 Schizomycetes, Gram staining of, 215 ー 218 Smallpox vaccination, 121 ー 125 Ser010gy, beginnings of science of, い 8 ー 140 Semmelweis, lgnaz, 80 ー 82 Schwann, Theodore, 16 ー 19 formation in B. Ⅷわ襯な , 49 ー 56 B. 〃ⅲ rac な , 89 ー 95 Spore, bacterial Needham's, 1 1 ー 12 Liebig's, 24 ー 27 evidence for Spallanzani's, 13 ー 16 Pasteur's, 43 ー 48 Cohn's, 49 ー 56 evidence against Spontaneous generation, 8 ー 68 Spallanzani, Lazaro, 13 ー 16 Solid culture media, 101 ー 108 , 218 ー 219 Gram procedure, 215 ー 218 differential, 215 ー 218 acid-fast, 118 ー 120 Staining heat resistance Of, 49 ー 58 265 of tubercle bacillus, 1 18 ー 120 StanIey, WendeII M. , 160 ー 162 Sterilization fractional, 56 ー 58 heat, 13 ー 16 , 43 ー 56 tyndallization, 56 ー 58 Streptococcal infections, chemotherapy against, 195 ー 199 Sulfa drugs chemotherapy of bacterial infections, 195 ー 199 mechanism of action of, 199 ー 209 SuIfur bacteria, physiological studies of, 227 ー 2 引 Suppuration, of compound fracture, 83 ー 89 Surgery, antiseptic principle, 86 ー 89 Symbiosis, root-nodule bacteria, 220 ー 224 Syphilis, treatment of, 176 ー 185 Taxonomy, of bacteria, 210 ー 215 Teeth , Leeuwenhoek' s observati ons of bactena on, 9 ー 10 Tetanus, immunity to, 138 ー 140 Tetanus toxin, 138 ー 140 Tissue section, differential staining of schizomycetes in, 215 ー 218 Tobacco mosaic virus, 153 ー 157 crystallization of, 160 ー 162 Traumatic infective diseases, etiology of, 96 ー 101 Tuberculosis etiology 0f コ 09 ーⅡ 8 staining of tubercle bacillus, 1 18 ー 120 TyndaII, John, 56 ー 58 Tyndallization, 56 ー 58 Unity of microorganisms, 247 ー 261 Urea bacteria, 234 ー 237 Vaccination, mechanism of, 144 ー 148 Vaccine for anthrax, 131 ー 132 for fowl cholera, 1 引ー 132 for smallpox, 121 ー 125 Viable counting, 218 ー 219 Vir010gy, 149 ー 162 Virulence of a parasite, 126 ー 131 Virus bacteriophage, 157 ー 159 filterable, 149 ー 162 foot-and-mouth disease, 149 ー 162 quantitation 0f, 153 ー 157 tobacco mosaic, 153 ー 157 , 160 ー 162 Vitamins, discovery of, 240 ー 245 von Behring, EmiI immunity tO diphtheria, 141 ー 144 immunity t0 diphtheria and tetanus, 138 ー 140 Wildiers, E. , 240 ー 245

266 Winogradsky, S. nitrifying organisms, 2 引ー 233 sulfur bacteria, 227 ー 2 引 Woods, Donald D. , 199 ー 209 Yeast INDEX alcoholic fermentation by, 16 ー 27 , 引ー 38 , 41 ー 43 anaerobic growth 0f, 20 ー 24 , 41 ー 43 as cause 0f disease in D 叩 / Ⅲ , 132 ー 138 growth factors for, 240 ー 245 Yeast extract, alcoholic fermentation in, 65 ー 68


Copyright ◎ 1999 American Society for Microbi010gy 1325 Massachusetts Avenue NW Washington, DC 20005-4171 Original copyright ◎ 1961 Prentice-Hall, lnc. ; renewed bY Thomas D. Brock in 1989. AII rights assigned to ASM by Thomas D. Brock in 1998. Library 0 f Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Milestones in microbiology: 1546 t0 1940 / translated and edited by Thomas D. Brock. P ・ cm. These research papers were published predominantly ⅲ German and French' with a few in English. ISBN 1-55581-142-6 (pbk. ) 1. Microbi010gy—History—Sources. QR21. M54 1998 579 ′ .09 ー - DC21 I. Brock, Thomas D. AII Rights Reserved Printed ⅲ the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 98-40858 CIP